James the Camel
In talking with most of you, the Camel already has a name and it's not the one we gave him. "George", "Sally", "Manny" and the list goes on. Regardless of what you call him, here is the back story of "James" the Camel and how he got here.

James in 2010 fulfilling his destiny at Marley Farms and - EATING!!

James in 2021 getting ready to teach a class about Camels and EATING!!
James first job was actually a high profile job at the Phoenix Zoo. He worked for the private company that gives the Camel rides and his work was good. One day when James was about 10 he decided he didn't want to do rides anymore. What do you do when a Camel quits and doesn't want to work? Nothing, you can't make a Camel do anything really. So as James had a specific job to do and wouldn't do it, he was offered up as a Camel that is stubborn and won't do rides. Thats when Jessica scooped him up for her pet and put him to work amazing children and adults alike at Marley Farms and he was set in a petting zoo to be fed and loved on by all who visited. He had become quite a celebrity in his own world and had a following of families that came to visit him regularly. This lasted about 5 years and as time changes things, they changed again for James, as Marley Farms was set to close, and James then set out as a "Gypsy Camel" and he moved a little from place to place trying to find the next spot he could fit in. James journeyed with Jessica and her kids for 5 years until fate, chance and some good old Irish Camel luck shined down on Jessica, James and myself and as timing was, I had just rented a property for my ponies, and was able to offer James a spot to rest his weary feet and allow him to rest for the time. That was 4 years ago and James is once again in the spot he loves....Doing whatever the heck he wants! These days, you can see James just lounging, eating treats and every once in a while he travels to a event or two as a nativity camel or a anniversary gig. He even has a wedding shoot under his belt.